If you have been desiring to have your home revamped and made over but have a problem with sourcing finances for that. Well newsflash! You do not have to possess loads of money to recreate your personal space. There are some pretty exciting ideas that may be quite interesting to you that will not require you to rob a bank. You do not necessarily have to get new furniture or a whole load of new decorating items. These ideas accommodate items you already have, and suggests creative ways on how to rearrange them.
Bedroom makeover
We can all agree that coming home to the same bedroom set up every single day is not at all intriguing and becomes monotonous with time.so spicing it up is quite the need. If you have a canopy bed you may decorate the canopy with canopy rods or you may alternatively use your curtain rods to do just that. This shows creativity and thoughtfulness.it also gives your bed some taste and significance.
For your closet you may opt to use colorful hangers. For each category of clothes, you may decide to use different colors. Not only will this make your closet interesting but it will also help you locate your clothes faster according to the hanger colors. still on adding color to your bed room you may also consider using colorful pillows that coordinate with your bedding and the theme colors of your room. It is okay to choose colors that resonate with you as an individual.
You may also bring in a new carpet just to change the ambiance in your room. How about opting for a fur carpet. this type is actually ideal as the fur is welcoming in nature and is super cozy.
Now if you have very little space you may want to clear up some items that are not necessarily needed in the room. If you do not have a proper storage, then you can always put these nicely under your bed.
Bring in a couch, a bench or stylish chair into your room. This actually gives a finishing touch to the entire bed room décor

Living room
If you have a fireplace in your house but are really not accustomed to using it then we have a brilliant idea for you. Instead of leaving the fireplace empty and black you may consider placing a beautiful plant on the vacant space.
You can hang photos on your wall. Family photos or photos of your loved ones can make your living room so warm and homely.
Flowers also bring a new feel to a room. You can adjust with every season. For spring use colors that resonate with spring like green and pink. Look for a super nice vase and put your fresh flowers inside. The scent of natural fresh flowers gives a room such a lovely aroma. You may also place flowers on your coffee table.

Dining room
Engage an upholstery guru and let them revamp your dining room chairs.it is amazing what a little fabric can do. Quite certain that the after look can most definitely change the entire outlook of the dining room.
select a beautiful center piece for your dining table. This simple yet crucial accessory is often overlooked but it carries so much power in terms of turning a room around. Select the right one and you are set.
Hanging a piece of art on the dining wall is not much of a bad idea. The dining room is very appropriate in terms of hanging beautiful pictures that would strike a good conversation with guests during meals. Mirrors are also ideal for a dining room space. Do not hesitate when it comes to placing one in your dining room. Mirrors are said to add sparkle. They also amplify the light within the entire room.

How about changing the wall paint color? This gives the room a different look and feel. If there is a room that you are absolutely free or at liberty to play with color on, then it has to be the dining room. Use bright and inviting colors. You may use red, which is said to create an appetite for food. Green as it symbolizes good health. How about yellow because it is often times associated with a jolly mood.
There is absolutely no way we can leave the bathroom without revamping it.it is the one room in the house we use to keep clean and maintain a good and proper hygienic life.in short though it is often over looked, the bathroom plays an integral part in our lives.
You may also look into the idea of having a wallpaper on your bathroom wall. It makes the space feel personalized and comfortable.
It is quite advisable to have an indoor plant in your bathroom as an air purifying agent.it is not quite a tradition hence most people do not do it. Try it and see how amazing it is.it actually gives your bathroom a fresh feel of nature.
Make empty boxes your storage items for some bathroom essentials. You can turn a dull box into something amazing by covering it with beautiful covers.
Creating a few shelves to place any toiletries and décor in the bathroom is equally important and you could add this to your bathroom revamp list.

Who said one cannot place art in the bathroom? You can actually create a unique bathroom by having a piece of art hung on your bathroom wall.it screams creativity. You may use framed art from your favorite artist.
art in the bathroom

Having a rug in your bathroom is actually not a bad idea. Just place it in an area where water spillage is on the minimal.

A home make over does not have to be expensive. Follow these simple ideas are you are certain to get a home you so desire in a short span of time.
Article written by: Boitshepo Catherine Mack